The Long Awaited Interview with Miss Brooke is here!!! Brooke is truly an exceptional young woman. Her love for God is palpable and she is an inspiration to me and my family. Enjoy!
1. How have you enjoyed homeschooling?
I have immensely enjoyed homeschooling; I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. :)
2. Would you homeschool your children if you have any?
Absolutely! I plan on homeschooling any and all future children that I have.
3. What are the common negative comments you get about homeschooling?
I believe the most common comments that I have heard, either personally or from other homeschooling families, are: homeschoolers are not socialized, homeschoolers wouldn’t get an opportunity to play sports, and that homeschoolers are sheltered.
4. What are your responses to these comments?
First, most of the homeschoolers I know are very well socialized. They are especially good at communicating and socializing with people who are not their age. Many public school kids make lots of friends their own age, but many homeschooler befriend people outside of their own age range. For myself, I know many of my friends have been two or more years younger than me, and as much as 18 years older than me.
In regards to sports, homeschoolers have just as much opportunity to play as public schoolers. I have been involved in martial arts since I was 12 and am currently a black belt, my brother does tumbling and trampolining; I know homeschoolers who played soccer, basketball, baseball, wrestling, football, swimming, etc. I even know a homeschooler who was the Iowa Gymnastic State Champion.
As a matter of fact, homeschoolers are sheltered. But they are sheltered from the negative influences of the world. So it is not a sheltering that anyone should fear. :)
5. Why did you decide to be a stay-at-home-daughter?
I started reading some blogs about SAHDs. Everything I read made a lot of sense, and was backed up by scriptures. As I was already planning on living at home for some time after graduation, it wasn’t too big of a stretch to a SAHD. Most of the things I read really made sense, both physically and spiritually, and I felt convicted to be a stay at home daughter. For me, I believe it is the right thing to do.
6. How do you plan to fill your days as a SAHD?
Well, I am currently attending an online school, so I plan to graduate from that. I plan to work from home part-time as a medical transcriptionist; I plan to teach piano lessons; I plan to write, because I dream of being a writer, and possibly publish some of my work; and I plan to work on homemaking skills to prepare for having my own family someday.
7. Why have you chosen courtship as a way to get to know a suitor?
With 50% of all marriages in this country, yes even Christian ones, ending in divorce, something must be done. I believe courtship is that something. I believe the traditional dating relationships are not working. Courtship is a way to get to know a suitor without becoming too invested emotionally; it enables you to continue to guard your heart, something that is harder to do in a dating relationship.
8. Why have you chosen to save your first kiss for marriage?
I have chosen to save my first kiss for marriage, and that is a personal commitment. Not all may feel led to do this, but I feel that I have. Someday when I get married, I want to be able to present myself to my husband and say, “Here I am. I’ve never given myself to another, not even in the smallest way. I have saved myself for you.” How special will it be to have my first kiss, first time to hold hands, etc., with the man that I marry?
9. How does the word of God inform your decision to save your first kiss for marriage?
God’s word speaks many times about purity. Purity is important to God. Marriages are also important to God. His word tells us to treat young men as brothers in the Lord. I believe that by saving my first kiss until my wedding day, it is a way that I can take purity seriously, help my marriage to start off well, and treat other young men I may meet in a pure way.
10. Have you endured persecution for your choices?
Wow. I think I could write an entire blog post on this question alone. I’ll try not to though. ;) Yes, I have endured persecution for my choices. As early as 14 years old, I was struggling with this persecution. My best friend abandoned me, two other girls ignored and excluded me. Outings were planned and I was deliberately not invited. All because I was homeschooled, and so I was “different.” Several years later, one of the same girls came back into my life. I thought perhaps things would be different, but I was again eventually pushed away. A young woman that I respected deleted our Facebook friendship, left argumentative comments on this blog, and in other ways hurt me, simply because I had chosen to state what I believed in about purity, courtship, etc. Our relationship was basically ruined, and I never said a negative word to her. And friends, these examples were all within the church! Because of these things, I have struggled with acceptance and rejection.
Sadly, I have even see this translate over to the blogging world. I have to continually be sure that I write what I believe and feel, even if some people might not agree. That is part of what inspired me to write “I Don’t Fit in a Box.” I wanted people to know who I really am, and not look at me as something I’m not. That’s another goal I have with my new blog, True Love’s Kiss. My goal is to write as truly and honestly as I possibly can. To be “real” with my readers. Rejection will probably come, but hopefully some people will see my honesty and accept me for that.
11. What gives you hope to live faithfully through this life?
My hope is in Christ, and the eternal salvation that He has promised. I wait on Him.
12. If you could give other young women or girls advice on how to wait on God, what advice would that be?
Pray. Just pray, a lot. I’m telling this to myself as well. It can be very hard to wait, but in the end it will be worth it. God has a Master Plan. We just need to trust him with that. If we are willing to wait for God’s best, I know in the end we will all feel completely overwhelmed that he works everything out so perfectly. Find other like-minded young women who are also waiting. Wait together, encourage each other. Find an older woman who has “been there, done that” to encourage you. Read scriptures about waiting. Read books written by other young women about waiting. Above all, realize this, your life is not about getting married, having children, or whatever else you are waiting for. Your life is about serving God, in whatever way he calls you to do that.
This is awesome. Especially the part about being persecuted. I for one would not be at all opposed to you writing a blog post on that subject :) I have not encountered much persecution for my beliefs yet, but I probably will in years to come. Thanks for posting this!
Thank you for your comment Shaina. You mentioned me writing a post about persecution - what sort of post did you have in mind?
ReplyDeleteIn Christ,
Well on question ten, the one about persecution, you said that you could probably write a whole blog post on that alone :) Maybe just your experiences with persecution and encouragement for those that are going through it.
I would definitely love to write a post like that. Thank you for your feedback Shaina! =)
ReplyDeleteIn Christ,
Great! No problem :)
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed seeing that there are still Christians out there who wish to keep themselves pure and save their first kiss for their husband. I KNOW that this is attainable for all those who choose to do so. Both my daughters saved their first kiss for their wedding day.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to hear of your courage and devotion to your convictions. You didn't back down under hardships! It'll make you stronger. Tribulation worketh patience. Just had to leave a comment here to let you know that your voice is heard, Brooke.
~Martha Stewart
Thank you Miss Martha! I appreciate your encouragement so much!! Hearing of your daughters' success in their path of purity is encouraging to all of us here. :)
ReplyDeleteIn Christ,
Do you never feel like you really want the freedom to go out and do what you want? Meet people, stay out late, look after yourself, that kind of thing?