
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Spreading the Gospel Through Social Media

I don't know about you, but I absolutely love social media. Facebook, Twitter, and of course blogging. ;) It makes it so easy to connect with people who might even live far away. It can be a very useful tool. But in fact, I recently was convicted that it can be an incredibly useful tool for spreading the gospel. I read something that really made me think. (Paraphrasing a bit) it pointed out how we have all sorts of different media where we can say absolutely anything we want, and we end up using most of that to talk about ourselves. I was challenged by this idea. Why not use these outlets to talk about Christ, God, and spread the gospel?? This idea stuck with me. I also have a good friend who uses social media (specifically Facebook and Twitter) to do this. This inspired me to do it as well. You would be amazed what just posting an encouraging status can do. It can lift up other Christians. It can help them have the courage to speak out as well. It can be a witness to unbelievers. It can possibly help them see Christianity in a different way. It can help you to stay focused on God as well. It helps you to be thinking of something more than yourself. It might be a small thing, but you never know how big God will make it as He uses you. Try it; you might just be amazed.

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