Once upon a time, my father gave me a rose. It was beautiful - just a single yellow rose. (Yellow was my favorite color too.) It sat in its vase on our counter and I thought how perfect and pretty my rose was. The sunlight streamed through the window and the rose seemed to light up. The next day I saw my rose again. But today it was different. It had opened up. What was once an average-sized rose was now a full, fabulous flower! It had opened up to nearly double in size. It was amazing. If my rose had been beautiful before, it was gorgeous now. The change was so remarkable it was almost breathtaking.
Reflecting on that rose and it's transformation, I can see an important lesson. I am that rose. I may be pretty today, as a small flower. But given time and nourishment, I will grow into a beautiful, open flower. But the rose did not sit there complaining that it wasn't big enough - it shared the beauty it had. I never know; tomorrow may be the day that I bloom, that I open up and become a gorgeous flower. But until then, I can learn from the rose - I can wait patiently for that day and share the beauty I have right now. Because ultimately, I want to point people to the Creator of the rose.